Unsupported / Outdated Software Usage

Outdated / Unsupported software is the name given to software that the vendor no longer supports. It means that even if there is a bug or security weakness in the software, no updates will be released by the vendor.

In the world of white-hat, if cybersecurity experts detect any software vulnerabilities, the vendor is first informed to fix them as soon as possible.

In most cases, detailed information about the vulnerability is released after the vendor releases an update. If the software is no longer supported, it means that the vulnerability will never be updated.

Therefore, detected vulnerabilities can be published without allowing them to be closed. This means that vulnerability is scanned all over the Internet by many attackers within days or even hours. In such a case, outdated software endangers your entire system.

Besides, in most cases, outdated software also creates issues for other updates, as they cause compatibility problems.

In the event of detecting Outdated / Unsupported software usage, the following topics should be taken into consideration (precedence of the case might change to vulnerability state and application's specifications).

If the version of the software you are using contains vulnerabilities, a change plan should be made immediately. And, it should be investigated through the logs whether the vulnerability is triggered or not.
If the software used is not the highest known version available, in some cases, updating to the highest version provides a fast fix for vulnerabilities.

The use of the software should be terminated in a controlled manner.

  • If you are using unsupported or outdated software, it is important to take precautions to protect your cyber security. Here are some steps you can take:
  • Regularly update all other software and programs on your device. This will help minimize the risk of vulnerabilities in your system.
  • Use up-to-date antivirus software to detect and prevent any malicious attacks.
  • Consider upgrading to a newer version of the software or finding an alternative that is currently supported and regularly updated.

Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) Regarding Unsupported / Outdated Software Usage

In the world of software and computer systems, there are common mistakes or weak spots that developers might accidentally introduce. These mistakes can make the software or system vulnerable to attacks or failures.

Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE)  is a big list of all these common mistakes, so that developers could check against it and avoid making the same errors.

CWE-1104: Use of Unmaintained Third Party Components

This weakness involves using third party components that are no longer maintained or supported by the original developers. This can result in security vulnerabilities and other issues as these components may not receive necessary updates and patches.

CWE-1277: Firmware Not Updateable

This weakness involves using hardware devices with firmware that cannot be updated. This can leave the device vulnerable to security issues and may also prevent it from being compatible with newer software versions.

CWE-1329: Reliance on Component That is Not Updateable

This weakness involves relying on a component that cannot be updated or replaced with a newer version. This can lead to security vulnerabilities and other issues as the component may not receive necessary updates and patches. 

The Top 3 Unsupported / Outdated Software Usage Scanning Tools 

The Top 3 unsupported / outdated software Usage scanning tools that is used by our members:

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