Generic SSRF Vulnerability Scanner

Server-side request forgery (SSRF), is a vulnerability that allows an attacker to execute unauthorized requests from the perspective of the webserver. SSRF can be used to access sensitive data, such as internal network resources and user data, or to launch attacks on other systems from the webserver.The impact of SSRF attacks can be significant. They can allow attackers to arbitrary command execution, access internal apps, and even scan ports in the local network.

Short Info



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Estimated Time

10 seconds

Time Interval

3 days

Scan only one

URL, Request


Generic SSRF Vulnerability Scanner

Sample Attack Scenario For Server-Side Request Forgery

Consider a vulnerable web application that allows users to screenshot of webpages.

Pseudo SSRF Vulnerable Web Page:

WEBPAGE = get_input(PAGE)
CONTENT = get_content_of(WEBPAGE)
IMAGE = create_an_image(CONTENT)

Pseudo-code given above takes an URL as an input, gets the content of the URL, creates an image, and then image to the user.

The simple scenario is a user gives as input and sees a screenshot of google.

However, if the attacker gives input as http://localhost, file://etc/passwd, or the vulnerable app will request to given URLs and show screenshots of local apps or files. Since the request will be made by the webserver this vulnerability is called server-side request forgery (SSRF).

It is also important to note that not all SSRF vulnerabilities can be easily exploited. In some cases, it may be necessary for an attacker to have access to the target system or network in order to exploit the vulnerability. Additionally, some SSRF vulnerabilities may require specific knowledge or techniques to be exploited.

Sample Payloads for SSRF

Payload is a  string that is used to execute an attack. The following are some example payloads that can be used to exploit SSRF vulnerabilities:

  • http://localhost:8080 - This will request the localhost webserver on port 8080
  • file:///etc/passwd - This will request the local filesystem and display the contents of /etc/passwd
  • - This will request the local machine on IP address
  • jar:!/ - This will request the local machine on IP address (Java only)
  • s - A network protocol used for secure file transfer over secure shell
  • t - Trivial File Transfer Protocol, works over UDP
  • ldap://localhost:11211/%0astats%0aquit - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. It is an application protocol used over an IP network to manage and access the distributed directory information service.
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