Adminer Default Login Scanner

This scanner detects the use of Adminer in digital assets.

Short Info



Single Scan

Single Scan

Can be used by

Asset Owner

Estimated Time

1 minute

Time Interval

26 days 12 hours

Scan only one

Domain, IPv4, Subdomain



Adminer is a popular database management tool used by developers and database administrators to manage databases. Its primary function is to offer a user-friendly interface for database management, allowing users to execute SQL queries, and manage table structures and records with ease. Adminer is typically used in environments where there is a need to interact with databases regularly, such as web development, testing, and administration. It is known for its simplicity and capability to handle a wide range of database types including MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and others. The tool is widely adopted due to its open-source nature and lightweight design, making it a preferred option for smaller projects or environments where resources are limited. Despite its useful features, users should be aware of potential security risks, especially in public-facing applications.

The default login vulnerability in Adminer can pose significant security risks if not addressed. It enables an attacker to log in using common default credentials if they have not been changed from their initial setup. This vulnerability is often exploited in scenarios where administrators have failed to set custom credentials, leaving systems open to unauthorized access. Attackers can potentially leverage this flaw to gain access to sensitive database information, execute queries, and even alter data. The risk is heightened in environments where Adminer is exposed to external networks, allowing remote attackers to launch brute force attacks or exploit the default login. It underscores the importance of following best security practices by changing default configurations upon initial deployment.

Technically, the default login vulnerability involves Adminer's authentication mechanism. The vulnerable endpoint is usually the login interface for the Adminer web application. Attackers can send HTTP requests with default username and password pairs to this interface to attempt unauthorized access. As seen in attack patterns, credentials such as 'root' for both username and password are commonly tested. If successful logins are noted, it indicates that default credentials remain unchanged, representing a successful exploitation of the vulnerability. This issue arises due to a lack of prompts or enforced password changes during the initial setup phase, requiring administrators to manually implement such changes for securing their databases.

If exploited, the default login vulnerability in Adminer can lead to severe consequences. Unauthorized users may gain full access to the database with administrative privileges, resulting in data breaches, unauthorized data modifications, and potential data loss. The attacker may siphon off sensitive information including personally identifiable data, proprietary information, or financial records that are critical to the organization's operations. Additionally, they could inject malicious data or delete crucial database elements, disrupting business processes and causing reputational damage. The exposure of a database's administrative interface significantly increases the risk of the system being compromised by external threats.


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