Generic Linux LFI Detection Scanner

Our Generic Linux LFI Detection Scanner is designed to identify Local File Inclusion vulnerabilities in Linux systems, helping prevent unauthorized access to sensitive files.


Short Info



Single Scan

Single Scan

Can be used by

Asset Owner

Estimated Time

15 second

Time Interval

3 day

Scan only one




Vulnerability Overview:

Vulnerability: Local File Inclusion (LFI)
Detection Method: Generic Linux LFI Detection
Severity: High
Impact: LFI vulnerabilities allow attackers to read or include local files from the server, such as /etc/passwd, potentially leading to sensitive information disclosure or further server compromise.

Vulnerability Details:

This scanner probes for LFI vulnerabilities by attempting to include critical Linux system files, like /etc/passwd, through various manipulation techniques in the request paths. These techniques include URL encoding, path traversal sequences, and other bypass mechanisms to evade simple filters. Successful detection indicates that the application may be vulnerable to LFI, allowing attackers to access or execute local files on the server.

The Importance of Addressing LFI Vulnerabilities:

LFI vulnerabilities pose a significant risk to web applications and servers, as they can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive files, compromise of server integrity, and potential escalation to remote code execution. Addressing these vulnerabilities is crucial for maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your systems.

Why S4E?

S4E provides advanced tools like the Generic Linux LFI Detection Scanner, enabling organizations to proactively identify and remediate LFI vulnerabilities. Our platform ensures comprehensive vulnerability management through detailed scanning, expert insights, and actionable recommendations, enhancing your security posture against LFI and other threats.


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