CVE-2016-8706 Scanner
CVE-2016-8706 Scanner - Remote Code Execution vulnerability in Memcached
Short Info
Single Scan
Single Scan
Can be used by
Asset Owner
Estimated Time
10 seconds
Time Interval
24 days 5 hours
Scan only one
Domain, IPv4, Subdomain
Memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system, often used to speed up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load. It is employed by web developers and administrators to enhance performance in systems handling large dynamic databases.
This software is popular in support of caching for websites such as Facebook, Shopify, and others, indicating its widespread application and reliability. Many systems use Memcached to manage large databases effectively, thereby increasing query speeds and enhancing overall functionality. Serving as a key component in many high-traffic websites, Memcached is critical for systems demanding rapid data retrieval.
The vulnerability in question pertains to the Remote Code Execution (RCE) threat posed by integer overflow in the process_bin_sasl_auth function. This weakness allows malicious inputs to potentially manipulate the memory process, causing unauthorized control over the execution flow. The vulnerability is significant, given the ease of exploitation without authentication, posing high risks to data integrity and availability.
Exploitation could result in full control of the affected system, including data theft or system downtime, leading to significant security breaches. The vulnerable endpoint involves the SASL authentication commands within Memcached's binary protocol, risking heap overflow upon integer overload.
Attackers can use malformed authentication requests to execute arbitrary commands, compromising system integrity. Successful exploitation can lead to server crashes, unauthorized data access, or failover states posing disruption. Effective mitigations include updating Memcached and implementing stricter input validation on SASL functions.