CVE-2022-27927 Scanner
Detects 'SQL Injection' vulnerability in Microfinance Management System affects v. 1.0.
Short Info
Single Scan
Single Scan
Can be used by
Asset Owner
Estimated Time
10 seconds
Time Interval
4 weeks
Scan only one
Domain, IPv4, Subdomain
Microfinance Management System 1.0 is a powerful software system that is designed to help financial institutions efficiently manage their microfinance programs. The software is designed to house important data like customer information, loan status, repayment history, and other financial records. This software is used in many financial institutions to make it easier for them to streamline their processes, reduce errors and increase accessibility to records. The Microfinance Management System is also user-friendly, which makes it easy for financial workers to access customer records with ease and effectively manage client data. With the help of this software, financial institutions can manage their microfinance programs with ease, precision, and speed.
CVE-2022-27927 is a critical vulnerability that has been discovered in the Microfinance Management System 1.0. This vulnerability was found in the MySQL database used by the application. Attackers can exploit this vulnerability by issuing SQL commands through the customer_number or course_code parameters. This vulnerability can allow attackers to gain unauthorized access to customer data, delete or alter records within the Microfinance Management System, and even steal sensitive information. CVE-2022-27927 is, therefore, a severe security issue that needs immediate attention.
If exploits, CVE-2022-27927, can be highly damaging to the financial organization using the software. Attackers can manipulate data to their advantage, resulting in financial losses for the organization. They could also compromise sensitive and confidential data, including PII (Personally Identifiable Information) of customers. This can lead to data breaches that can harm an organization's reputation and ultimately undermine customer trust. In addition, having this vulnerability can lead to regulatory fines and legal issues.
In conclusion, CVE-2022-27927 is a severe security vulnerability in the Microfinance Management System 1.0 that puts financial institutions at great risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches. It is, therefore, important to implement preventative measures to avoid exploitation. offers state-of-the-art vulnerability detection mechanisms to help companies protect themselves from security vulnerabilities like CVE-2022-27927. Take advantage of this technology and protect your digital assets today.